
RoadBook preparation and format

RoadBook or Itinerary (for rally races or just for planing private trips) is a list of items with the distance, direction, a graphic icon of a crossing/turn and a description.

For the OffRoadNAVI RoadBook data is in the format of images (GIF format is best) and is composed of individual pages (one page is one image file, RB_1.GIF, RB_2.GIF,...) The entire RoadBook (one stage or one day) is stored in one directory called [RoadBook*] (can have any suffix for example stage nr. "_E1, _E2,...") These directories (separate roadbooks) must be stored under "\OffRoadNAVI\" dir.

Take a look at the sample roadbooks to get an idea of what they should look like. This video shows how the roadbook looks like on the navi X720.

Sample roadbook for a small rally - (4 stages in Romania):

RoadBook (Stage 1-4) for Holux61CS - 480pix:
RoadBook (Stege 1-4) foro X720 - 800pix:

Create roadbook from XLS (Excel) or PDF:


  • Convert XLS or PDF into GIF using online converter

use on-line service

  • Convert XLS to PDF (one Sheet -> one Page)
  • Convert each page in PDF into separate images (PNG)
  • Crop and save images into GIF using (FastStoneImageViewer
    • crop - try to crop "manually" on one page, remember crop values and use it for next step... (attention: check if each stage has the same margins)
    • use batch convert (F3), Advanced Options, Crop: InPixels and Specify X-Y Coordinate and Output Format as GIF
  • Edit RB - custom colors, highlights, underlines
    • in FastStoneImageViewer - use DrawBoard and you can draw directly into the image....
  • Resize the images - Width
    • use batch convert in FastStoneImageViewer (F3), Advanced Options, Resize: Resize based on one side (Width)
    • X720: whole screen = 800pix, two-third = 533pix
    • H61CS: whole screen = 480pix, two-third = 320pix
  • Split separate Stages into dirs
    • put each stage into one directory for example RoadBook_S1, RoadBook_S2,...
    • copy all of them to your SD ..\OffRoadNAVI\, when you switch to RB mode you can choose what stage to load
      Directory structure should looks like:
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