Main menu/scroll the map

Click anywhere on the map (only outside the Zoom + / + Layer, Zoom-/Layer- and map name at the top) to display the main menu. A click is considered to be pressing and then releasing the finger/stylus on the same place. If you make a press and then move, the map will shift. Close the menu using the red Close button (return to map). The exit button closes the entire application.

The structure of the main menu

  • GPS Stat
  • Used to display information from a gps - signal, strength and number of sat., display data from GPS.
  • Tracks
  • Used to turn on (save, stop, record) a record of the route. It will be displayed as a red line of the route travelled ...
  • RouteWpts
  • Used to plan a journey (many waypoints or
individual waypoints) and navigate through these points ...
    • Maps
    • Used to select map layers or change/upload any other atlas.
    • Center
    • Returns a map view of your position (if GPS signal) and will henceforth centre the map on this point, even when moving.
    • Display
    • Used to select whether to see just a map or an info panel as well. The tabs can be set as to what info panel is to be displayed.
    • Suspend
    • Puts the device into sleep mode (turns off the display and touch), but GPS and recording is still running. Activation is done using the On/Off button on the device.
    • Setting
    • Application settings - ... see below ...
    • Exit App
    • Exiting the application
    • Close
    • Close the menu and return to the map

Retrieve or Change Atlas

From the Main Menu -> Maps -> Load Atlas, here you select the atlas and press Select. You will see a layer of the Atlas (Layers). Select the one you want and press Apply.

Change Map (Zoom) / Changing the layer (Layer)

In the middle of the screen above the layer name or layer-map. By clicking on the name (the area clicked is larger than the text, so can be done wearing gloves) you will see that in the right and upper left corner it will switch from Map +/- to Layer +/- and vice versa. It also displays only the layer name or layer-map. This determines whether the buttons in the corner switch between maps (mostly different measures of the same map) or layers (another type of map of the same area). Some layers underneath can have more maps and some only one.

When switching maps the maps are sorted by the resolution (i.e. zoom). When switching layers, these layers are sorted by name and when switching from one layer to another, the application tries to choose the closest possible resolution of the map in the layer from which you have switched. This means that if, for example, I have the layer 1_GoogleMaps and under that the maps GMap10, GMap11, GMap12 and the layer 2_GoogleTerrain and under that the maps GTerr10, GTerr11, and GTerr12 and I am currently set to 1_GoogleMaps GMap11 and I enter Layer + , then the map switches to 2_GoogleTerrain-GTerr12 . This means that I see the same section in the same resolution, only the type of terrain surface on the the map changes .

It is also possible to change the layer even if you have just switched on Map +/-. This is done by pressing the pen on the map name (top centre), keep it pressed and move Map + or Map - and then release. This will switch the layer (Layer) instead of the map.

The last and fastest layer switching even works when Map +/- is turned on, but only if the atlas has just two layers. Simply click on the map name (top centre) and it will switch layers, the next click takes you back.

Change the display information on the screen (Display)

  • MapOnly - only map in full screen
  • SmallInfo - small info panel (bottom 3x2 array)
  • Medium - Medium info panel (bottom 2x2 larger field)
  • FullInfo - only the data panel (12 small boxes, 4 large fields and compass)
  • FullBig - only large data panel (1 extra large field, and 8 secondary fields)
  • MapComp - a combination of map and compass (including one data field)
  • Compass - large compass and 4 large storage arrays
  • Tripmaster - two medium data fields and two counters Total and Part

If the info panel is displayed (the panel at the bottom of the data), then I can click on it (or Menu -> Display). Using the Basic tab, you can choose (Map only) if you want to display the info panel, or what (small figures, large legible, the compass or just data). The other tabs can be used to edit what will be displayed in each panel. Each data field can be set separately. To view click Apply and the change can be seen on the screen. It also has Tripmaster now - a screen that has two data fields and it is possible to reset or correct the counter +/-. Used for navigation by roadbook.

Viewing Track

A record of the route (Track) must first be recorded (red line on the map). In Menu -> Tracks -> Start to start recording a new route. It saves automatically every few minutes (so remains on the card if battery is inadvertently switched off). (TrackStatus) displays the route in an info panel. To stop recording, click Stop in the Track menu or turn off the application (the route is saved). It is then possible to see the recorded tracks in the Menu -> Tracks. The names are made up of the beginning date and the time of recording. If you want to see a route (or, to continue recording it) simply choose the route from the list and press Load (the application asks if you have already loaded a route). Then the map can be left as loaded (no further recording) and by returning to the map you will see the route travelled, pressing Start starts recording. Routes are generally stored in a simple TXT format (due to demand/size for very long recordings), but it is possible to save or load in GPX format.

How often each route point is to be recorded can be set in the Menu -> Setting -> Tr/Rt -> Rec Interval (sec) = interval for recording in seconds. The recommended interval is 10 - 30 secs. It does not record when stationary, thus saving the number of records.

Palnning a route and navigating along this route or points (waypoints)

In Menu -> RouteWpt you can plan a trip or just specific points in advance and the application will guide you along them. Enter New and a small map will be displayed. By clicking (shift still works) on the map the first point in the route is entered. Another click creates a new point and a line between them and so on, thus creating the route. Points can be added manually by entering the coordinates (Add) or switching between points (<,>), this determines the active (bold) point, which can then be deleted (Del), or moved (Move). Moving is done by using the arrow or by clicking on the active point, entering Move and then clicking on the destination on the map where it is to be moved to. It should end up so that the active point is the first on the route - IMPORTANT. Clicking on the number X/X above the Back button displays a list of points and the active one can be chosen manually or their order can be changed. This selection can also work from any info panel by simply clicking on the field WptDistance or WptName. After closing (Back) it is recommend to save (Save) the route and return to the normal map (Back and then Close).

It is also possible to display useful information such as the distance to the next point - this is called Waypoint (WptDistance) or the distance to the end of the route (RouteDistance). It also gives information on the estimated time to the next point or route (WptEstTime, RoutEstTime) - these times are calculated from the current average speed and thus vary depending on driving style (can be set in the Menu -> Setting -> Tr / Rt -> AvgSpeed ​​cnt = the higher the number, the larger the history, the lower, the faster the average velocity changes). Note, when stopping the average speed is no longer calculated (doesn't decrease). It also has information on the heading (course) for the next point (WptHeading) - this heading is also indicated by the compass (green arrow).

It is now possible to record or store data in GPX format. The "Work/Load/Save as Waypoint" settings determine whether the route points will be processed as a route (unchecked) or as separate points - Waypoints (checked). The differences are as follows:

Route - navigates to one point at a time, automatically navigating to the next point in the sequence when the first has been reached (with adjustable deviation); this is displayed as dots connected by a straight line

Waypoints - only navigates to the selected point and never switches automatically, displayed as a circle with a title and caption

Settings (Settings)

  • Gps
    • CommPort - Serial port for gps (for Becker COM2)
    • BaudRate - speed of serial communication (usually can be arbitrary, must be at 56000 for Becker)
    • Simulation from file - doesn't need GPS signal, simulates the movement from a Gps_trace.txt file
    • Store data in Gps_trace.txt - when GPS enabled it stores the data for later simulation
    • GPS will run even when the device is off - tested on HTC, turning it off with the On/Off button the route records are sill running.
  • Disp
    • Rotate compass - determines whether the compass rotates around the needle or the needle around the compass
    • MapOffSet X/Y - Manually move the map currently displayed along the pixels (manual correction if poorly calibrated maps)
    • TimeOffSet (h) - Set time zone from GMT (CR = summer +2, winter +1)
  • Tr/Rt
    • Rec Interval (sec) - interval for recording route (only recorded when moving) in seconds
    • Wpt Accuracy (m) - determines accuracy of reaching the waypoint and it then moves to the next one
    • RouteDist Add (%) - determines the percentage that is added to the total distance of the planned route because it is a straight line between the points and in fact it is jagged
    • AvgSpeed ​​back cnt - specifies the imaginary number of records used to count the average speed, this is then used to calculate the time to the next waypoint or the whole route
    • TtipM Thold m - how many metres to travel for the Tripmaster to add the distance to the overall distance (whilst stationary the GPS oscillates around the position)
    • Trip +/- m - how many metres are added/subtracted by pressing the correction button on the Tripmaster
    • Walking mode - calculates average speed accurately but may bring an error due to GPS oscillation around position, only for walking
  • Joy
    • Setting the port for connecting the control on the handlebar (RemoteJoy)
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